Earth Pea - Lathyrus tuberosus

Earth Pea - Lathyrus tuberosus

Ancient Wisdom

Though purely a subjective observation, the Earth Pea is a constant reminder of a way of being that has mostly been forgotten. Though the worlds and its worries revolve around it, the Earth Pea does not concern itself with the empires of control, rather it sets about its work quietly, which is to grow, ever climbing, learning, and moving in search of more light. It does not appear to sow and reap, nor labor or spin, and yet Nature seems to provide for all of its needs, clothing it in lovely hues of green and violet. And though the Earth Pea competes, using the available space and nutrients that it needs to grow, it cooperates much more, giving back by breaking through hardened and exposed soils, protecting this soil by covering it with its own canopy of colors, and then tops it all off by fixing atmospheric nitrogen back into the soil; thus healing it and restoring it.

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

As a result of bathing in light, the Earth Pea also shows itself to be inherently beautiful, freely sharing this beauty with all who would take notice of it, giving gifts of pollen and delicious tubers that sustain the whole process. And when the winter winds come, it does not appear to fear being cut down, for in searching and finding some of the light, it has ensured a new beginning, a new opportunity to search for even more light.

"If society is produced by our wants, and our government by our wickedness, what then might be produced by their negation"


Note of caution: This is not a plant to be planted in more controlled environments. This is because it likes to spread and climb, and will climb over any plant that is under 4ft tall. It is a slow grower and easy to pull off of other plants, but it is probably best to be let loose in an uncontrolled environment.

We only eat the tubers, as the seeds are said to be potentially toxic. It takes a little work to find the tubers, and the plant does not produce copious amounts of them, but they are worth the occasional effort as the tubers have a wonderful flavor that is reminiscent of sweet chestnuts.


We are still learning how to use these tubers in our recipes. Perhaps because we have been so conditioned to the potato, we use them in ways that we would the potato. Sliced and fried, sometimes used in soups, and sometimes boiled and mashes (and mixed with whatever is on hand; potatoes, yams, cauliflower, and/or Apios nuts).